MONF #1 2020

About MONF

Malody of Next-gen Fighters is an unofficial program similar to Bms of fighters(BOF).

MONF’s Tenet

Monf advocates a harmonious network environment.

Monf encourages producers who are not strong enough to participate in BOF’s, encourages exchanges experience and make progress together, and does not discriminate against producers with different levels and styles.

Monf advocates a real and objective evaluation of the repertoire, which is not misleading by extra factors such as drawing, BGA, and so on. (Yes our competition don’t need BGA)

Works with political orientation are not allowed to participate in the competition.


We have chosen some excellent works from MONF 2020 and adverting them to you.


2nd Place

3rd Place

For more details, please see MONF Official

Enjoy it :)

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