How to stable your chart (Beta)

Last Update : 11:18(GMT +8) Nov. 1st 2019

Song metadata (song name, original title, artist and original artist)

  • If the song metadata contains non-Unicode characters, it should be transformed to a pure Unicode title. For Chinese, it is recommended to transfer it to Chinese Pinyin without tone symbols, each of which is capitalized and separated by spaces.
  • If the rest of the language has a corresponding transfer scheme, it will be carried out according to it, and if not, it will be translated into English. If the song metadata has its official English translation, you can also fill in here. In theory, all special symbols of non-Unicode characters should be omitted, but some characters can be transferred to a special form (Ryu / Ryu*). For more information on the method of transliteration, please consult Publisher.
  • Even if the sound source you use comes from the TV size, included in the album, if there is no difference between the song name and the original title, the TV size label should not be retained (because we can tell from the length of the song whether it is TV size or not). However, the full version of the songs which particularly composed for music game are not subject to this restriction. Please consult Publisher for details on how to fill in the song.
  • The artist and the original name must be written in the same way as the source. Such as: in ReX-Heart of Witch, even if we know that ReX is the sockpuppet of M2U, we should fill in ReX here. In Sota Fujimori-VOLTEXES, even if Sota Fujimori is Fujimori's transliteration, you can still only fill in Sota Fujimori.
  • Japanese artists maintain their original order when rewriting. Such as: 南条爱乃 should be translated as Nanjo Yoshino, but not Yoshino Nanjo.
  • For the original source or itself is VOCALOID, the artist should write in the form of producer feat. Vocal. In the case of multiple Vocal or producer cooperation, separated by the &. If the cooperative combination or Vocal has a fixed combination name, you can give priority to the combination name. Such as: cosMo@暴走P feat.初音ミク - 初音ミクの消失‐劇場版‐
  • For the songs sung in the name of the role, the unified ellipsis CV, only retains the character name and is separated by the &. If the cooperative Vocal has a fixed combination name, you can give priority to the combination name. Such as: Iris Freyja&物部深月 - Ray of bullet

Chart Information



  • Creator can not be the same as Uploader's ID.
  • Separated by the & symbol if it is a multi-person collaborative chart, but the charter with the most contribution must be at the top of the list.
  • If the uploader is not the charter who contributes the most to this chart, Publisher will transfer to the creator who with the most contribution after stable.

Preview time

  • Not mandatory, but it is recommended to set an appropriate preview time point.

BPM and offset

  • For the general track without variable speed, it is required that the BPM and offset must be accurate. For the track with variable speed, it is necessary to ensure that the variable speed error does not affect the play.
  • In general, the results of automatic measurement are quite accurate, but in the event of inaccuracy, manual measurement must be accurate.

Other setting

  • Column: Key mode specific settings. Only chart of key mode with a column of 4-9 are allowed to be stabilized.
  • Drop speed: Catch mode specific settings. The value of the drop speed should be included in the [5,10] closed interval.

Upload file

  • The names of all files to be uploaded should not be too long and should not contain consecutive spaces, non-Unicode characters, and special symbols.
  • All uploaded files cannot contain any R-rated elements or content that will cause discomfort (as determined by Admin). Uploading such content will cause your account to be BANNED permanently.

Audio file

  • All audio files must be in Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) format. Rate can only be 44100Hz, Bitrate must be less than 192kbps (160kbps is recommended), but it is not appropriate to use audio files with poor sound quality.
  • If you need to upload Full-Keysounded Chart, you must package all audio files as for upload (this compressed file does not contain any subfolders and cannot contain any files that are independent of the spectrum). The act of uploading a picture package in this way will cause your account to be BANNED permanently.


  • All background images must be in JPEG (.jpg) format, the size of image must be less than 2mb, there are no special requirements for size and aspect ratio, but it is not appropriate to use too fuzzy background images.
  • Different chart can use different background images.


  • No nodes that do not appear in the BGA file.
  • Uploading files must not contain files that are not referenced by BGA.

Chart file

  • With the exception of Taiko mode, which allows uploading Taiko fanmade format (.tja), other modes only allow to upload in Malody Chart File format (.mc).

SID&Song Page

SID is the ID of the corresponding Song Page. In Malody, multiple charts of different Charter can be mounted under one Song Page, and these charts have the same SID.

  • The charts of a song with the same metadata should be mounted on the same Song Page, please check that the server has an Song Page before uploading your chart (recommendation for the song to use the existing sound sources in the Song Page directly). Please do not repeat the creation of SID. When the song already exists on the server, you can specify the uploaded SID on the upload page.If not, filling in 0 and uploading will create a new Song Page and SID.
  • If the sound source used is a sound source with FX of different difficulty of SDVX, it should also be uploaded to the same SID, and indicate which difficulty FX sound source is used on the chart page.
  • Cover with sufficient clarity must be uploaded for Song Page (JPEG format images with a size of 400*400 are recommended). Cover can't have nothing to do with the song. Cover is not allowed to include charter information unless you have been authorized by the song artist, or you are one of the artist.
  • You can add a Tag, that is easy to search in Tags, or you can leave it blank. In addition, if there is a stable chart in key mode under this Song Page, you must add xK keywords to facilitate search.
  • You can fill in more detailed song information in the song Infomation column. Or you can leave it empty.

CID&Chart Page

CID is the ID of corresponding Chart Page and the ID corresponding to the chart itself. When the server already exists, you can specify the uploaded CID on the upload page. If not, filling in 0 and uploading will create a new Chart Page and CID.

Any chart belongs to one of the following three states, but only users with Assistant or above can change the state of chart.

  • Alpha: Indicates that the chart is being created and has not been finnshed.
  • Beta: Indicates that the chart has been completed and has a quality of nearly stable. But still need to be checked in detail by Publisher.
  • Stable: It means that the quality of the chart has been stable and will hardly change, which also means that it is in the shop.

Stable rules

  • In the same song, you can make one or more difficult chart, and the community encourages multiple difficult chart so that players at different levels of technology can play.
  • In order to enable different levels of players to enjoy the same song, it is important to ensure that the song is suitable for the average level of players (lv.10~lv.20) play difficulty.
  • When there is no stable chart with a song, as the first chart for stable, there needs to be a chart which difficulty is less than Lv.10. When the song already has the same mode of stable state of the low difficulty chart, you can increase the number of any difficulty chart. However, the chart of key mode with different column should be treated in different modes.
  • The chart must be made by the in-game editor and use only the functions provided by the in-game editor.
  • The playable time of each chart should be at least 60 seconds.
  • It is acceptable to use the original partten properly in the chart, but too obvious plagiarism can lead to rejection of your request or even BANNED your account.
  • In addition, some of the tracks of some artists are not allowed to stable. Please consult Publisher for details.
  • Consult the Chart level reference to understand the standard chart of each mode.

Requirements in detail





Perspectives on Taiko mapping


Ring Mapping Instructions



Chart Submission System

The submission system is a new feature in which the author delivers the completed chart to Publisher and obtains the chart checking information. The Malody client has a built-in submission system from version 4.1.5.

After you successfully upload the chart using the in-game editor, the editor pops up a dialog box asking if you want to submit your chart to be checked. The submission list displays all uploaded but not stable, click on the chart to be submitted, and select the Submission to complete the request.

If the chart is passed or typed back, the author receives a client push message and sees a change in the chart status in the submission system.

Publisher and Assistant regularly clean up the request in the submission system, please wait patiently for review.

  • Each person can only have a maximum of 6 charts in the Waiting for review state at the same time. After being selected by Publisher, the chart status will become Reviewing, and the chart in reviewing will not occupy this quota.
  • If Publisher thinks the chart is unreasonable, it will leave the information by leaving a message or comment, etc., and the chart state will become Rejected.
  • The returned chart can be resubmitted after modification, but the system records the times of return. In addition, being rejected and continuing to submit unmodified chart too frequently may cause Publisher to stop reviewing your chart and reject it directly.

Marlo Cup

  • We will hold Marlo Cup Mapping Contest half a year. The chart submitted through the Contest form will remain in the stable state during the scoring period, and after the activity, the Stable status will be determined according to the opinions of the judges. The chart which is submitted in this way and meets the requirements of Contest does not need to be submitted with low difficulty.

Contact the staffs directly

  • Checking request through direct contact with the staffs is likely to be directly ignored or rejected.


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