RESULT - Catch Discord Server Mapping Contest #2



Chart Creator: ymsshi-


Rentarou: Gameplay : 8 Representation : 8.5 Expression : 8 Solid chart, I like how you treated the 'laser' part but some part are not inherently correct, like how a lot of 'laser-1/6' part got omitted a lot across the chart

Kril: 86, 90, 94 have different jump gaps, but you can always make the gap bigger because of the audio increasingly nearing the first chorus.

Nice tech part! Maybe I’ll ask you to collaborate sometime, the only thing I can quote is: “Simple, but effective.”

292 -> 304, you can increase the gap here, especially the 3rd repetitive part since the pitch is higher. Great part before it though.

Great usage of those yellow notes on the final part. I just wish I could’ve seen more like that though.

Overall, it’s definitely up there when it comes to ranking which one I liked the best. This one is just simple and effective like I said earlier. You should really go for more stable, these charts are always great for some inspiration. Gameplay wise it’s very comfortable, this is the only chart I actually manage to FC first try.

tkdkendo: Aの中でも非常に私の中の解釈に近い譜面になっており素直に高評価です。32分の歪ませ方が確りと曲に合っておりかつワンパターンにならないように音の鳴り方に合わせて臨機応変に形を変えられていて良いですね。140にあったドーパミンの途中にあるような配置なんかはとてもお気に入りです。サビの展開が後半になると16分が増えていくビルドアップ形式なのが太鼓の譜面を見ているような気分になりました。飽きないような工夫がされていて良いと思います。320 ここは私であればRainにせずにドラムにフォーカスを当てると思います。(8分で埋めて白線でジャンプさせるような配置で322の3連ドラムからの323でダッシュさせる感じ(伝われ) 356- 個人的にここから16分になってしまうのはやや解釈違いですが、他と上手く差をつけるのは難しいところでもありますね… 細かい点こそあれど全体的に非常に高水準な譜面だと思いました。



Chart Creator: Guangshi_FdonxV


Rentarou: Gameplay : 8.5 Representation : 7.5 Expression : 8 Very friendly in term of gameplay, but sadly the early part was too simplified for my liking. However, at least this chart treated the ending like exactly the same how I envisioned that part, which is very nice.

Kril: 51 doesn’t need to jump, but I get the intention.

Great tech patterns, it’s very good gameplay. I can’t find anything major that’s wrong.

Overall, this literally fits my whole criteria. This map is hard to comment on when it comes to anything that is negative. Perhaps you’re the mapper that always gets the least mod when it comes to me checking stable? xD Anyway, great chart!

tkdkendo: 全体的にシンプルで固い譜面ですが個性もあって上手く纏まっていると思います。226-227 ここで16分を使用しているのはよく分からないです。8分で良かったと思います。特に気になる点は少ないですが曲のポテンシャルを引き出せているかと言う点においてまだもう一工夫できるなと言う期待も込めてこの点数とします。でも全体的にはとても良いです。

Third Place


Chart Creator: Fubukril


Rentarou: Gameplay : 7 Representation : 7.5 Expression : 8 Solid chart and concise in term of representation, The only a bit of downside a few pattern were unnecessary like 35 and 98 imo.

Kril: Yes, this is my submission. When I look back on it, I think when it comes to actually charting it I only spent a few hours mapping it and color coding it. There are a few things that I can’t really decide such as missing the lead sound or even the jump on the start where I didn’t jump the drum after the first one. Gameplay was your typical chart from me, just experimented a little.

To be honest, I don’t want to call out names, but was worried that I actually have to score myself. Unfortunately, I have to but I guess it’s reasonable to give myself a 8 because of the purposeful rain note addition because of the sound compared to the rain in the 2nd part without the sound. Vocal was emphasized with yellow notes, and was the only person to actually emphasize “1, 2, 3”. The 1/16 in the end with rain note also was purposeful. I didn’t want it to have mostly yellow on that last burst. Perhaps next time I won't have to score myself lol.

tkdkendo: この譜面スタイルであれば10速の方が映えたのでは…?9速のRain想定にしたがために若干表現に縛られている感は否めません。とはいっても全体的に表現方法はとても面白いと思いますし、クオリティも申し分ないと思います。単純に10速の方がより活かせたと思うしマプコン映えもした気がするってだけです()10速にして譜面が壊れるくらいであれば9速でも問題ないと思います。 28-29(220-221)こーゆー音はグリッドを崩さずにある程度離して(4-5グリッド程度)一定にした方が曲に合っていると思います。30-31 T_ritama Breaker(c73926)のような青ノートの使い方で面白いですね。 50(258):3/4等 多分声ネタ合わせで黄色にしていると思われますが、声ネタは51:0/4なので何の黄色か一瞬分からなかったです。3/4は紫のままで0/4に黄色を追加すると良いでしょう(ダッシュノートで)。98 ここ多分雰囲気で24分置いてますが普通に16分です。118-119 ここダダッダダッダッのリズムの方がいいです。122-123 同じく。126-127 ここは127-125に比べてバスドラムが16分になるのでさらに配置変化できたら良かったです。307 賛否両論あると思いますが、これ以外の選択肢もない気がするのでノーコメントです。細かいことは書いてますが全体的な表現がとても面白かったです。更に譜面に磨きが掛かればトップクラス間違いなしです。



Chart Creator: kira0728


Rentarou: Gameplay : 7 Representation : 8 Expression : 8 Very good free stylish chart. There are a lot of interesting pattern going on, although the gameplay on some part seems bit too hard.

Kril: 24-27 is overmapped.

28 is too far of a distance..

The 1st chorus is quite fun, though I wonder why you put so much hyperdash. xD

128 - 129, holy shit lol

160 - 162, You could’ve done something with the “1, 2, 3” vocal. It would’ve fit better since everything is MORE MORE JUMP.

187 & 307’s pattern is smooth as hell, did you use notepad editing?

225 should’ve been jumped instead of 224 oof.

234 shouldn’t be jumped.

The 2nd chorus could’ve been harder since the pitch is higher. I really wish you would’ve done that here.

Overall, it’s very jumpy. Maybe you’re last life was a rabbit, since you really liked to put hyperdash. However, it’s a great map “for fun”. Perhaps you can consider the amount of jump usage you put on your maps. Gameplay was quite easy for 2F players, but for 1F, it’s a challenge for them lol.

tkdkendo: 決して悪くないのですが、やはりこれといって目を引く点も少ない為他のチャートと比べるとどうしても点数が伸びにくいです。2Bのようにシンプルながらも配置を上手く崩して表現しようとしている意思がひしひしと伝わってきます。譜面傾向からも9速にしたのは正解だと思います。


Chart Creator: Skylin


Rentarou: Gameplay : 7 Representation : 7 Expression : 8.5 It has a lot of interesting pattern, and I like how you did 308-316. However, some part feel overexpressed which make the gameplay sometimes uncomfortable.

Kril: Great start, the only thing I’m confused about is when you didn’t hyperdash 67. It’s certainly stronger than 66..

The buildup at 86 -> 98 is weird, first you hyperdash the tick sound, and then you don’t..

The 1st tech part reminds me of Star Wars with all these killer laser patterns, great expression though. xD

There was one green note all besides the purple, blue, and yellow. Perhaps it was special?

Overall, you loved the burst potential of this song, which I can see here clearly. You definitely had fun making this, just needs a few polishing here and there. The inspiration behind this chart I can tell you definitely looked at Shakkin!, Setsugekka, etc. It doesn’t change my opinion, but it's a great chart. However, the gameplay was sacrificed. Especially the laser part, it’s really difficult, I just wish it was easier. Maybe I have skill issue lol.

tkdkendo: 決して悪くなく、クオリティが低いわけでもないのですが、主に32分の配置が全体的に似通ってしまっているので音の差別化が出来ていないように感じます。例えば160-163の部分は他の部分に比べると音の歪みが少なく、一般的な長音として捉えられる部類だと思いますが、ここでも他と同様に1/8を配置しているので全体的な差別化が出来ていません。203なんかは明らかに不要ですが無理に装飾した配置にしているので逆に浮いています。今回の曲の場合はサビに1/8が登場する場面はあまりないと思います。最後の方は明らかにオーバーマッピングすぎるので改善が必要です。


Chart Creator: Yukkuri


Rentarou: Gameplay : 8 Representation : 6 Expression : 7 While it play very well, imo there are a bit too much sounds of stream get ignored in this chart which happen all across the chart.

Kril: Nice start! Since the music became more noticeable, you made the gap between groups increased.

Chorus part was generic, but it’s alright. Though it’s hard to get your intention… am I stupid xD

240 & 242, perhaps your intention, but it’s actually ⅛ instead of 1/12.

The 2nd chorus was also cool, I would’ve definitely done that for this song.

Overall, It’s very similar to B1. Perhaps he is your twin lol. I know that you purposely didn’t add notes on vocals on some, but I would’ve liked it if it did… It’s very simple, which is hard to decide when it comes to comparing with everyone else.

tkdkendo: B1と完全に真逆の意見で、この譜面スタイルであれば9速の方がいいと思います。非常にシンプルでかつ模範的に作られている譜面ですが、逆にいえばそれ以外特筆できるポイントはありません。これは私個人としての意見ですが、10速(Overdose)として作るのであれば何かしら目立つ配置や独特な表現等、9速(Rain)では出来ないような特殊な表現を用いれるとOverdoseとして確立できると思います。前述の通り、この譜面はそれぞれの楽器に応じたグリッドの空け方、ダッシュノートにはならないジャンプ、ダッシュノートにするべき部分というのは非常に明確で分かりやすいですが、これをRainの上の難易度として見て納得できるかと言われると頷きにくいです。


Chart Creator: MusicFB


Rentarou: Gameplay : 6 Representation : 7 Expression : 8 Very expressive chart, but some of it come with the cost of gameplay, especially on the chorus.

Kril: 12 -> 19 & 28 -> 33, nice expression! W

62 -> 63, mm.. Wrong timing xD. It’s ⅓, you can even be evil and put ⅙ jump there lmao.

Nice part on the 1st chorus, it’s very expressive, and I can tell you used reasonable snap timing.

197 -> 244, needs some polishing but quite good.

Pattern on 244 and 248 holy sh*t, you became donrikoka xD.

268 -> 316, needs some polishing as well, but very expressive.

336, you can put burst instead of jump on blue line, besides 337 had drums anyway to support this logic.

372 -> End, nice part! I actually used this type of pattern on upcoming deluge diff, so thanks for some patterns~ However, you missed a note on the ending.

Overall, this is literally screaming the mapper’s name. Of course, this won’t affect my opinion on it but it’s really nice you went for expression. Yooh has very expressive songs anyway. As for gameplay, it's quite comfortable if the player has good finger control, which does fit for the map anyway.

tkdkendo: Catchらしく自由に置けていると思う反面、取捨選択が上手くできて居なかったりもっとやるべき部分で抑えていたり逆に無理に難しくしすぎている部分などがあり、この曲の表現として不十分に感じます。12-19等 正直この音にフォーカスを当てた理由が分かりません。おそらくどのモードのマッパーでもこの部分でその音をとる人はいません。36以降:32分の配置が雑です…A1と同じですがこう言った歪んでいたりガバキックテイストの音に対してただ32分を敷き詰めるだけでなく確りと配置にも意識をして表現をすべきだと思います。直線や適当にジグザグに置くのは得策ではありません。133等:こここそ1番歪んでいる音なのに24分にしているのが全く理解できません。もっと敷き詰めるべきです。140-141等 スーパー歪んでますね。なんで直線上に動かすだけの配置なのか理解できません。Catchモードは非常に幅広い配置ができるのですからもっと音楽的理論に基づいて見た目も拘るべきだと考えています。ただ音取りやダッシュノートだけにフォーカスを当てて配置するだけでは良い譜面にはなれません。


Chart Creator: MMTP99


Rentarou: Gameplay : 4 Representation : 4 Expression : 6 Got a good start, only to be disappointed later on. It's clearly overmapped and not represented well.

Kril: "Things like 39, 47, you don’t have to hyperdash there.

On 62 -> 64, you had wrong timing..

84 -> 95, besides changing the pattern, you can honestly increase the gap between the groups so that it’s not the same as the previous section.

98 -> 99, you don’t need that big gap difference..

100 -> 132 had nice buildup, I can tell you wanted to challenge other players xD

196 -> 244 was a bit hard to follow, were you trying to follow pitch change? I know you’re not following the drum sound, so has to be this, however sometimes the pitch changed and you didn’t hyperdash it.. I’m confused here.

268 -> 292, yeah same here..

320 -> 323, why is it so rigorous on a calm part? Like I said prior, I think this chart is purely for a challenge.

Maybe you forgot to check note color?

Overall, I think this is 17 instead of 16. xD

Perhaps you tried a new grid and used it throughout the whole chart, but you need to tell the difference between the hard and easy parts. Additionally, maybe more pattern variety? If everything is hard, then… I don’t know what to say. Even I struggled with this lol."

tkdkendo: ドロップの配置が少し雑なのが残念です。このモードはかなり自由に配置できるので32分の配置なんかはもう少し推敲できたと思います。特に歪んでいるタイプの音なのにノーツが一直線なのは解釈違いです。全体的な配置面でも少し見た目が汚らしいので乱雑な印象が拭えず、裏のバスドラムの音も十分に追いきれていない印象があります。視認性も譜面の1部であることを意識できるといいかなと思います。

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